Thursday, August 11

Kingdom of Fife show

Our first show back turned out to be very much worth the 1 and 1/2 hour drive, the camping in so much rain we thought we would drown and the BBQ which nearly burnt down our tent.

We got a lovely start to the morning when I texted in the radio at 6am and we got a mention! First time Liam and me had been on the radio so it brought for lots of smiles. When we got there the weather was lovely and the show was on an old airport runway, so was thankfully flat ground to camp on. Liam pitched tent while I done my runs, and we tried out our disposible BBQ and although it caused for lots of flames and smoke, the grubb was lovely.

At night however, the rain came. And boy did it pour. It lasted all night and we were lucky that in the morning all 4 of us were dry. Sadly when it's raining Izzie turns into a little princess and refuses to run, so after 1 attempt we packed up our stuff and left.

However! The show turned out to be well worth it as Izzie and me walked away with two 1sts and a 2nd! As one of the 1sts was her 3rd clear jumping 1sts, we have been promoted to Grade 2, so so proud :)

Here is her agility run, it was a combined graded 1-4 and she was 2nd, she done so well.


  1. I just loved watching this! You both were great! I just finished my first Rally classes... not sure if I will ever get this far! Thanks for sharing the video.
